Runners knee- Signs you have a tight IT Band

The Iliotibial band or ITB is a thick fascia which runs from the tensor fascia latae muscle in the hip to its distal connection into the lateral knee. Inflammation and pain at the outer knee is a common complaint in runners and often overuse of the ITB can be the cause. Common signs of ITB syndrome include pain and swelling in the outer knee especially in runners who have recently increased the length of their runs, changed footwear or run downhill a lot.

Ways to prevent the ITB from becoming sore and inflamed include warming up correctly before running, stretching the hips after the run and ensuring that good footwear are worn. If you have lateral knee pain that is persisting after a couple of days rest it is recommended that you seek help from a sports medicine professional such as sports doctor, sports chiropractor or physio.Brisbane CBD Chiropractor. Brisbane CBD Chiropractic

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